While the chronological record of changes in your Git repository’s commit history is essential, there may be scenarios where you might need to obliterate it. Commit histories can sometimes become a labyrinth of disorganized modifications or, worse, they may inadvertently expose sensitive information. In these instances, a repository ‘clean-up’ is not just recommended but becomes a necessity.

Importance of Maintaining Commit History

A Git repository’s history is a transparent ledger of all the changes that transpired within the project. This makes it easy to backtrack to any specific version of the project or trace the origin of bugs or issues. The commit history is of profound significance because:

  • It provides visibility into each change made throughout the project’s lifetime;
  • It helps track the evolution of the project, allowing for easy revert if necessary;
  • It aids in identifying the causes behind particular issues and bugs;
  • It fosters collaboration, making it easier for team members to understand the progress of the project.

Erasing Commit History in Your Git Repository

In some situations, you may need to erase the commit history of your Git repository. For example, your git history may have become bloated with an excess of minor commits, or it might contain sensitive information that has been committed by mistake. In such cases, creating an ‘orphan’ branch can be a helpful solution. An orphan branch is a new, empty branch with no commit history. Here’s how to create one:

Create an Orphan Branch

Creating an orphan branch produces a brand-new, clean branch in your Git repository that is disassociated from the commit history. Intriguingly, this branch will not be visible when executing the standard git branch command.

To create an orphan branch, the following command can be used:

git checkout –orphan fresh_branch

Remember to replace fresh_branch with the name you want to give to your new branch. On execution, Git will switch to your newly created orphan branch, which is completely devoid of any prior commit history.

Add Existing Files to the Newly Created Orphan Branch

Once your orphan branch is created, the next step is to add all the existing files to this branch. Utilize the command mentioned below:

git add -A

This command instructs Git to add all the files from your working directory to the staging area, marking them for the next commit on your new branch.

A few tips and insights make this procedure smoother:

  • Keep your branch names meaningful for better understandability;
  • Always verify that you are on the correct branch before executing git add -A to prevent accidental inclusion of files.

Commit Your Changes to the New Branch

Making a commit signifies creating a checkpoint in your project that you can revert to if needed. It’s like saving a game; you can always go back to that point if something goes wrong.

To make your commit, use the following command:

git commit -am “Descriptive commit message”

In the command shown above, replace “Descriptive commit message” with a brief yet informative description of the changes you have made. This message helps you and others understand what was done at this particular commit point.

Deleting the Default Branch in Git

To permanently remove the default branch (commonly named ‘main’), you can use the following command:

git branch -D master

The -D option stands for ‘–delete’ and it forces deletion of the branch, regardless of its merged status.

Renaming the Active Branch to ‘Main’

To rename the current active branch to ‘main’ in Git, use the following command:

git branch -m main

The -m option stands for ‘–move’ and is used to rename a branch in Git. It’s important to remember that you need to be checked out to the branch which you want to rename.

Pushing Changes to Your Remote Repository

The git push command transfers commits from your local repository to a remote repository. It’s a way to share your work with others. Here is how to use the command:

git push -f origin main

In this context, -f stands for ‘force’. It’s sometimes used to overwrite the remote repository with local changes. However, using git push -f is risky because it unconditionally overwrites the remote repository with whatever you have locally.


Managing your Git hierarchy is a critical aspect of maintaining a project. While removing all commit history might seem like a drastic measure, there are scenarios where it becomes a necessity. It’s crucial to understand the weight of this action and only approach it after careful consideration. Maintaining a neat and streamlined commit history not only improves the readability of your project but also enhances security and fosters effective collaboration.